About Me

My name is Krzysztof Rygielski. I live and work in Toruń, Poland. I'm a Nicolaus Copernicus University graduate, Mathematics and Computer Science faculty.
Currently I work as a freelance web developer. I'm also part of TopTal, a network for top developers and top companies.
I have over 8 years of experience in full stack web development with use of Ruby on Rails framework. I'm also a Linux user and I'm comfortable with working with this system on every day basis.
During my spare time I read, do some coding, practice aikido, run, sometimes I manage to play some computer game... ;)
- Private projects
- Rubber Dragon
- rTechnologies
- StockInfo
- DoradcaGiełdowy.pl

T.S.H.C. i U. Ikeda Dojo
Graphic design and site development, all by myself.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Sinatra, Javascript with jQuery library.
My web card
Graphic design and site development, all by myself.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Sinatra, Javascript with jQuery library. Internationalization with use of sinatra-r18n.
Private blog
Graphic design and site development, all by myself.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Sinatra. Using FCKEditor in CMS admin area.

Rubber Dragon
My contribution: user interface (HTML, CSS, Javascript), CMS based on Ruby on Rails.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, Sphinx.
Ruby on Rails Development
My contribution: graphic design, user interface (HTML, CSS, Javascript), CMS based on Ruby on Rails.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails.
People Development Partnership
My contribution: user interface (HTML, CSS, Javascript), Sinatra based engine.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Sinatra.
Freelance Hairdressers
My contribution: user interface (HTML, CSS), Ruby on Rails elements.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails.
Swindon Link
My contribution: user interface (HTML, CSS, Javascript), significant part of Ruby on Rails engine.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, Sphinx.
Thinking Schools Association
My contribution: user interface (HTML, CSS, Javascript), CMS based on Ruby on Rails.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails.
Meadowpark School
My contribution: user interface (HTML, CSS, Javascript), CMS based on Ruby on Rails.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails.
My contribution: participation in creating Ruby on Rails engine and user interface.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails.
Mark Pepperall galeria zdjęć
My contribution: html & css, Ruby on Rails engine, facility for importing pictures from FTP account.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby on Rails.
Swindon Bug
My contribution: html & css, CMS based on Ruby on Rails.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails.
Open Golf Accommodation
My contribution: html & css, CMS based on Ruby on Rails.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails.
Swindon Twin Peaks
My contribution: html & css, CMS based on Ruby on Rails.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails.
Damp Proof Basement
My contribution: html & css, CMS based on Ruby on Rails.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails.
English to Ukrainian Translation
My contribution: html & css, part of Ruby on Rails application engine.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails.
Complete Product Company
My contribution: html & css, Ruby script importing external RSS feed.
Used technologies: XHTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails.

MeetMyLook, community portal
My contribution: implementation of forum module.
Used technologies: Ruby on Rails.

My contribution: implementing significant part of the frontend, version for Business clients.
Used technologies: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, jQuery.
My contribution: frontend, backend, web widgets for placing on other websites.
Used technologies: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, jQuery, CoffeeScript, SCSS.
My contribution: frontend implementation for existing CMS.
Used technologies: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, jQuery.

Serial mailing service
My contribution: "shopping cart" mechanism with address book and details of the order, with ajax api and server side temporary data storage in Redis.
Used technologies: Ruby on Rails, Redis, Javascript, CoffeeScript, jQuery, SASS.
My contribution: scripts harvesting publicly available data and generating constantly updated companies and people database.
Used technologies: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, jQuery.
My contribution: web widgets, mechanism giving user easier access to publicly available, electronic version of KRS document.
Used technologies: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, jQuery, CoffeeScript, SCSS.
My contribution: implementing part of the frontend, payment system integration, scripts and parsers harvesting companies data publicly available in Monitor Sądowy i Gospodarczy.
Used technologies: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, jQuery, CoffeeScript, SCSS.
Social Network

My name: | Krzysztof Rygielski |
Phone: | (+48) 506 747 546 |
Email, gTalk, Hangout: | krzysztof@rygiel.net |
Skype: | krzysztof-rygielski |